The Court of First Instance (CFI) ruled today in Joined Cases T-380/02 and T-128/03,Success-Marketing Unternehmensberatungsgesellschaft mbH v OHIM, another miserable restitutio in integrum case. In short, the applicant sought to register the word mark PAN & CO as a Community trade mark in various classes, including Class 30 (bread, flour preparations etc). It filled in the application form, including details of his representative's fax number. Chipita opposed, citing its earlier PAN figurative mark (below) and alleging a likelihood of confusion in respect of goods in Class 30.
The IPKat wishes the application could have been refused on the grounds that it was dull, technical and boring.
Guide to safe fax here
Dealing with unwanted fax transmissions here and here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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