BBC News reports that UK High Street fashion chain Monsoon is suing its competitor Primark for copying its clothes. Monsoon said Primark was willing to remove six items, including skirts, swimwear, girl's trousers, and children's socks and scarves, off shelves in its stores. Monsoon, however, said it had issued High Court proceedings, claiming the alleged copying was "unacceptable". It is seeking damages and a commitment that Primark would not copy again. The clothes under dispute are a zigzag linen skirt, a curved panelled skirt, tropical floral print swimwear, girls' corduroy trousers, a children's striped scarf and poodle and heart socks.
Primark reportedly paid Monsoon £23,000 last May after admitting that it had copied the firm's Brittany top for girls and a butterfly dress.
The IPKat is still wondering what a butterfly dress is. He has only ever seen butterflies in the nude ...
Poodle socks here. Other clothing for dogs here.
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, April 18, 2005
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