Note for trade mark nerds and potential infringers: the trade mark search facility on the UK-IPO website contains no reference to any application having been made to register "Filament Fred" as a trade mark.

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It has to be said
ReplyDeleteThe description of Fred
Sounds less like a light bulb
Than a sperm
Get off Fred's back,
ReplyDeleteHe's sensitive, I've read
And so would you be
With a ******* bulb for a head
"Promote IP in rhyme!"
ReplyDeleteThe marketeers said.
"We'll have a good time
While the good news is spread."
And so, short for time,
They came up with Fred:
A cartoonish mime
With a bulb for a head.
But, oh, what a crime,
The Kat's disappoint-ed
By another design
With bulbs repeat-ed.
IPO! The bottom line:
You should've innovat-ed!
all joking apart, if Frederico is a lightbulb as described, the poor dear needs urgent medical attention in respect of a prolapsed filament.
ReplyDeleteOr else he's the illegitimate offspring of thomas edison and a stick insect