Meanwhile, the IPKat thanks Chris Ellins (University of Westminster, London) for this link to the saga of the heirs of the late actor Steve McQueen, who have gone to a Manhattan court to stop an apparel manufacturer from using his name and likeness to promote its products without their consent.

Left: Steve McQueen, posing for and Abercrombie & Fitch advertisement ...
Never one to be forgotten, the IPKat's friend Miri Frankel (a Beanstalk person from across the Pond), has been telling him all about Woody Allen's attempt to strip another clothing company that is better known for what its models don't wear than what they do -- American Apparel -- of at least US$10 million for using his image on billboards and on the internet.

Allen says he doesn't endorse commercial products or services in the United States, which made American Apparel's billboards in Hollywood and New York and webite displays "especially egregious and damaging". The Kats await further developments.
The Onion, having a little fun at American Apparel's expense, here
Friday forays
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, April 04, 2008

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