"I just read your post concerning “Kein Patent auf Schwein?” and I cannot provide any information concerning the demonstration planned specifically by KPaL but I found some info regarding today’s demonstrations on the German news website tagesschau.de at http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/schweinepatent106.html . In particular the interview link “Greenpeace Patent-Experte Christoph Then zum Patentstreit” at http://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/video/video480590. html might help to shed some more light in this matter. Unfortunately, the interview is in German but I translated its essence, which highlights the concerns of Greenpeace as a pressure group.
Interview Christoph Then (Greenpeace) tagesschau 17:00, 15.04.2009
“Then: The issue concerning the patent is that nobody can with certainty predict the scope of the patent. The pigs concerned in the patent are not distinguishable between pigs already held on farms and used for breeding. Thus, this is an issue concerning all pig farmers as the patent, theoretically and at some stage, might extend to their pigs as they are not distinguishable from patented pigs.
News reporter : There appears to be some discrepancy as a spokesman of the EPO said that the patent only concerns the test to identify the gene and farmers would only need to pay fees if they used the test.
Then : Yes, the patent falls into 2 parts, the selection of the pigs on the one hand and on the other the selection, breeding and production of the pigs. As patent law provides for the basic principle that if there is a patented method for the production so will be the direct product…We are of the opinion that such patents contradict patent law...”
As far as your statement and question “What puzzles the IPKat is why the EPO is even paying further attention to this (quite clearly spectacularly ill-informed) pressure group.” is concerned I believe that attention is being paid not only because of KPaL but because there are German politicians belonging to the agricultural and ministry of the environment who strongly oppose and voice their concerns concerning the patentability of animals, plants and seeds as evidenced in the recent GM corn ban in Germany (http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4179022,00.html? maca=en-tagesschau_englisch- 335-rdf-mp )."
Julian further adds the following:
"Following the controversy concerning the recently discussed “patent for pig selection” the issue has caught further political momentum. Unfortunately, the information is only available on tagesschau.de at http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gentechnik102.html . It appears that the German Federal Minister of Agriculture Ilse Aigner, who already announced the GM corn ban, is in talks with German Federal Minister of Justice, Brigitte Zypries, to discuss a prohibition of livestock breeding patents in Germany. According to Aigner “it would be unacceptable that a company patents genetically modified genes of an animal, eventually demanding patent fees from breeders, whose animals appear with this gene…[adding further]…I regard that present European legislation concerning patent law is in need of rectification” (tagesschau, 18.04.2009, 11:14am).
Why this topic is so widely politicised in Germany?
The article “Ich habe nichts gegen gruene Gentechnik”, which translates as “I am not against green genetic engineering” by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ.net) at http://www.faz.net/s/Rub594835B672714A1DB1A121534F0 10EE1/Doc~ E2E172490B21D4065A0B82A067E105 840~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html (in German only) on 18 April 18, 2009 published a poll conducted by Emnid, a market research institution, which suggest that 3 of 4 Germans welcomed the recent GM corn ban and indicates the public perception towards genetic engineering.
This makes me wonder but could the political motivation stem from the forthcoming European election as well as the German general election later on this year."
Thanks, Julian!

See also my report here:
Axel H Horns
Perhaps not fake oppositions, but maybe clueless ones....
ReplyDeleteDavid you beat me to this story!
ReplyDeleteAlex Horn's post explains it all beautifully. You really have to see this notice in the overall political context in Germany and in the light of the news that certain types of GM maize were banned by the Agriculture ministry.
Latest reports in English on the topic of "Super Pig Patent":
http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4182020,00.html and
For those of you that can read German, the FAZ newspaper has this article today - no Schnitzel patents...
Sadly the protest occurred outside the main EPO (Isar) building in Munich while most people (Pres included) have decamped a while ago to other buildings while long-term re-building work is carried out.
ReplyDeleteWhy do the authors of this blog never miss an opportunity to criticise any institution (EPO, ECJ etc) which, heaven forbid, fails to produce the communication in English? Learn another language and stop boring your readership. Please!
ReplyDeleteSince this is clearly a well-organised and -funded campaign about an egregiously misunderstood matter, the question is: who profits from misrepresenting the Newsham patent in this way?
ReplyDeletePoliticians are normally a reactive, not proactive, lot. They may be riding on the coattails of this protest (just like FFII and their bearded guru), but they are clearly not the originators. Likewise the NGOs such as Greenpeace, who are always eager to shine in the limelight of such protests, since it always raises much-needed funds.
So, please excuse me if I may sound like a conspiracy theorist, but behind all of this I suspect the hand of large European agrobusinesses, who, despite (or perhaps because) they've been so generously fed at the trough of the Common Agricultural Policy, have never bothered to invest much in R&D. They nevertheless clearly wish to keep a free hand in exploiting the inventions of others, or, if this is not possible, lock their more productive competitors out of the European market. Considering who are those largest landowners in Europe, by the Grace of God, they may be a formidable opponent indeed...
ReplyDelete"Considering who are those largest landowners in Europe,"
So, who are the largest landowners in Europe?
(I read somewhere that the Knights of Malta owned half of Italy and hence got a substantial amount of money from Europe but that could be rubbish).
"By the Grace of God" is a bit of a hint. (I will not go further, lest I render myself guilty of lèse-majesté).
ReplyDeleteI'm familliar with Kevin Cahill's, Who Owns Britain. Will now try and get, Who Owns the World by the same author.
Considering what Cahill suspects about Airey, I understand your caution.
I would hazzard a guess that the EPO has been bombarded with German language enquiries about this patent and therefore attempted to reduce this by making the announcement, hoping that people would klick on the links rather than call the EPO. Also, the protest held yesterday was almost exclusively attended by Germans, whether farmers or activists. In the short time available, no translation was considered necesssary. Of course there is the question as to whether the EPO is entitled to bring attention to the grant of the patent in this way while the opposition period is pending - would this not have the effect of potentially raising the costs for the patent proprietor unnecessarily?
ReplyDeleteDozens of patents like this are granted by the biotechnology directorates of the EPO every month. Indeed in this case, there were no claims to animals and no claims to gene sequences. The claims were directed only to a method of identifying desirable traits in animals using inventive technical means (not essentially biological processes). The only reason for the uproar would appear to be that this invention was particularly useful for genotyping pigs, which is big business in Germany and in Bavaria in particular. Hhhmmm could this be another case of "Hell hath no fury like a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle" .