The IPKat has been busily reading the brochures of two fascinating events, both organised by C5, that are coming up in the nearish future.
Pharma Patent Lifecycles (14 and 15 May) is only five weeks away and, after a frantic exchange of emails, the IPKat has been able to secure a free place worth thousands of pounds (at least, that's what it looks like) for the winner of a simple competition. By close of play on Thursday 30 April, just complete, by adding not more than 20 words, the sentence that begins "If I were a pharma patent ...". Please send your entries to the IPKat here, marked "PPL". The best entries will be published. Full details of the conference programme and sundry arrangements are available here. The organisers have also told the IPKat that they are extending to his readers a "buy a delegate place, get a workshop free" offer [note: one of the workshops is a Master Class on SPCs], the workshop taking place on 13 May. To activate this offer, download the coded brochure here.

Biotech Patenting (16-17 June) is an equally compelling conference, held in the lovely Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Munich, almost within worshipping distance of the European Patent Office (left). The brochure for IPKat readers can be perused here. The IPKat hasn't yet persuaded the organisers to yield to his entreaties to run a "buy a delegate place, get a workshop free" offer, but he has secured another free conference place as a competition prize. The competition (deadline date midnight GMT, Tuesday 30 May) is an easy one: just compose a biotech-patent based limerick which starts with the line "There once was a biotech patent ...". Entries, labelled "Biotech limerick", should be sent to the IPKat here. Again, the best entries will appear on this weblog.
Two more patent conferences, two more competitions
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, April 13, 2009

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