Don't forget to check the IPKat's sidebar for forthcoming events. What with the current economic dip, there are plenty of good offers out there for the discerning IP enthusiast. As usual, BLUE events are free, RED events are those supported by the IPKat and anything in GREEN isn't really an event per se but is nonetheless worthy of note. Events to which IPKat readers are entitled to reduced-rate registration are in PURPLE - or is it mauve?
Congratulations are due to the Class 46 European Trade Mark weblog, which has just reached -- and passed -- the 600 email subscriber landmark. Launched at the end of 2007 by a group of supporters of MARQUES, the association of European trade mark owners, Class 46 now has getting on for 1,300 searchable trade mark, geographical indication and brand-related news items. You can test this blog out for yourself here.
The IPKat has received a number of inquiries from readers as to whether he has a copy of The Pirate Bay decision (see IPKat post here) in English. He doesn't, but he knows that he has quite a number of Swedish readers, as well as readers who are well-placed within the film production and recording industries, some of whom may have their own. If anyone has a copy which he can make available to this weblog, can that person please send it to the IPKat here. While on the subject of The Pirate Bay, this short, constructive and thoughtful article by Andrew Logie on IP Finance is well worth a read.
Monday medley
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, April 20, 2009
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