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Reminds me of Faulty Towers classic comment "Don't mention the war !".
ReplyDeletePerhaps, I should just inundate GR70 with applications for handheld torches, claiming that they are "directed energy devices"...
Not sure if it's directly on point, but I worked in the Classification Library of the UK Patent Office in the early 1990s. Every week, I used to receive a set of new law abstracts with, from time to time, abridgements of old law patents which had been declassified. I have to say that by looking at the latter I couldn't see any obvious consistent pattern, other than perhaps the fact that they tended to fall in the "F2*" headings of the UK Key (weapons and ammunition are in F3A and F3C). Accordingly, it is possible to get an idea of what the predecessor of Room GR70 (on the third floor of State House) thought worth keeping secret in the late 1970s by looking at the 1949 Act patents with the highest numbers.
ReplyDeleteThe most bizarre "secrecy" declassification was with GB 1,346,409 and 1,346,419. Their content was so secret that the classsifiers were not "in the loop". Ten months after publication they were reclassified and disapppeared from the SRIS shelves and other public patent collections in the UK. Many industrial libraries refused to return their copies and those sent worldwide through patent document exchange schemes continued to be available. If either patent was requested from the Patent Office you were told the documents did not exist. However requests to the USPTO libtrary were met on payment of the usual fee. The cause of the reclassification was an article in the Sunday Times explaining what the patents related to.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, the list of dual-use items which are subject to export control in the EU could serve as a useful reference:
In Israel, we have a similar clause. Applications go to the Ministry of Defense (literally Ministry of Security) and if they don't restrict it, then three months later, applicant can go abroad.
ReplyDeleteUsually it is fairly obvious to see why a clerk at the patent office passed the application on to the Defence Ministry. I've had it happen a few times, most recently for a device for loading rounds into pistol clips - not exactly the technology that wins wars, but still to do with guns.
In one instance, an application to do with data transmission on the Internet was restricted, and I thought that the clerk at the patent office was responding to the term "data security" on the first page. When eventually we were allowed to file abroad, the application was restricted in the United States - despite the application being filed in the US under Paris! Perhaps there was something of military importance that neither I, nor applicant were aware of.