
4.British Airways
10.Encyclopaedia Britannica

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Quality7 Reliability? Microsoft?
ReplyDeleteWhich one of those three words don't fit with the other two?
That's the power of marketing for you. Style over substance wins everytime (true of pretty much all the brands there, not just MS - especially Rolex).
ReplyDeleteIf you reboot your PC you will find the list in a different order.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised to see Microsoft there after I read that the criteria were "quality, reliability and distinction"...
BA? What planet are these people living on?
ReplyDeleteAround here Rolex is the symbol of tackiness and it doesn't help that many of these are Asian imitations, aka Lollex.
ReplyDeleteI am no horologist but have no problems in naming several other brands that speak of quality, reliability and distinction.
Rolls Royce any1?