The IPKat has received notice of a forthcoming Competition Law Association event discussing the EU's Pharma Report.
'The Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry: implications for the sector and beyond' will take place on 27 July at 6pm at the offices of Simmons & Simmons, CityPoint, One Ropemaker St, London EC2Y 9SS.
In the hotseat are Rowan Freeland (Simmons & Simmons) and Stephen Kon (SJ Berwin). The cost is £25 for non-members, £20 for members and £10 for associate members. CPD points are available.
If you're interested in going along send your name, address, any dietary requirement and an appropriate cheque to Sharon Horwitz, CLA Secretary, c/o Glynda Gabriel, Linklaters LLP, One Silk St, London EC2Y 8HQ.
STOP PRESS: this event will now take place a day earlier than originally publicised on 27 July. All other details remain the same.
CLA pharma sector enquiry event
Reviewed by Anonymous
Thursday, July 09, 2009

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