"I am looking for a role as an IP lawyer. I qualified in Australia in 2001 and I am arranging to be UK qualified. I have broad commercial experience, and specialist IP law experience. My most recent UK role was as an IP lawyer and my remit included advising, filing and prosecuting, opposing and invalidating trade marks and preparing cease and desist letters. It also covered the law of copyright and passing off. Previously, I worked as an in-house commercial lawyer, and at the British Broadcasting Corporation as an IP litigation lawyer. I am particularly strong with collecting relevant evidence and turning a large amount of relevant evidence into strong witness statements. I am confident and outgoing, and meet challenges head on. I take a solutions-based approach, and am committed to my IP law career. I would love to hear from you".
The IPKat's copyright-shaped friend Gwilym Harbottle writes to him:
"As you may remember we are running a Copinger competition [details here]. The supplier of the best comment on or suggestion for improvement of the current (15th) edition wins a free copy of the next (16th) edition and its supplements. This is actually quite a worthwhile prize in financial terms – the present ed. plus 3rd supplement are retailing at £545.
There's now less than a month to go (31 July 2009), but unfortunately, despite your kindly featuring us on the IPKat some time ago, the dedicated competition mailbox (Copinger@hogarthchambers.com) has received vastly more spam messages than competition entries".The Kats -- whose mailbox suffers from the same malaise -- do hope that their readers will rise to the occasion and come up with some good suggestions.
Monday miscellany
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, July 06, 2009

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