"to enable like-minded companies in the wireless sector to network and debate the latest developments in the industry, and find commercial opportunities for mutual collaboration".A quick looks at the membership list shows that "Cambridge" in this context is as much a frame of mind as a geographical concept, since its membership spreads out as far as the Pacific Ocean. members share their interests and concerns by participating in Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Yesterday's inaugural meeting of Cambridge Wireless' Legal SIG was firmly planted in the outer reaches of Cherry Hinton, where leading-edge technology springs between the region's flat and fertile fenland fields.
IPKat team blogger Jeremy attended this meeting, hosted by ARM and chaired by Nigel Sywcher (Olswang), on the subject "Patents -- reward, revenue or WMD?" The meeting was opened by ARM's General Counsel Phil David, who observed that the programme's title should not be allowed to prejudice discussion: patents could possess one or more, or none at all, of the listed attributes. Phil also took the opportunity to warn of the perils of trollism and the dangers of courts granting unmeritorious injunctions in favour of unmeritorious non-manufacturing licensors.

In the discussions that took place after each presentation and at the end of the morning's programme, one of the themes that expressed itself most clearly was the need for "quality patents". It seems to Jeremy that this is a bit of a problem. On the basis of his discussions, he gets the impression that everyone wants quality patents but there's no consensus as to what they are. For example
* patent examiners want quality patents, by which they appear to mean patents in respect of which the formal application requirements have been properly addressed (this isn't as easy as it sounds);One thing occurred to Jeremy while he was speaking to participants: because the US has been such a powerful driving force in the development of wireless and cognate technologies, and US legal issues are more newsworthy, frequently aired and generally accessible than their European counterparts, Jeremy got the impression that people in general knew more about the relevant US law than about its European counterpart. Topics such as troll trouble, jury damages and injunctive relief spring immediately to mind in this context. He hopes that the imbalance between familiarity with US and European law is something that future Legal SIG get-togethers will do much to remedy.
* businesses want quality patents, by which they mean patents which have a meaningful content that teaches a new and useful art, disclosing it properly and eschewing the vice of evergreening;
* venture capitalists and other investors also seek quality patents, by which they mean patents that are apt to deliver a reliable revenue stream through direct manufacture or licensing.
Cambridge Wireless Legal SIG gets off the ground
Reviewed by Jeremy
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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