"Your correspondent and readers may be interested in some Australian developments in two Australian Copyright Tribunal cases, in particular the latter which deals with the public performance right in sound recordings specifically: Audio-Visual Copyright Society (t/a Screenrights) v Foxtel [2006] ACopyT 2 and Re PPCA [2007] ACopyT 1. In both cases, survey evidence of consumer valuation of copyright was adduced with (wildly) varying results! I have attached the slides related to a recent public presentation I gave on point in Australia for IPRIA.
I have written on the valuation of copyright and section 4.7 of my book Retransmission and US Compliance with TRIPS (2003) deals with fair market value awards in English, US and Australian general common law and IP settings".
Valuation and copyright
Reviewed by Jeremy
Sunday, December 14, 2008

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