A few weeks ago this blog reported on the latest Opinion of the European Copyright Society
(ECS), this time regarding a case currently pending before the Court of Justice
of the European Union (CJEU): HP Belgium v Reprobel, C-572/13.
This is a reference for a preliminary
ruling from the Brussels Court of Appeal, seeking clarification as regards an
evergreen topic in EU copyright, ie the fair compensation
requirement in the reprography and private copying exceptions within Article
5(2)(a) and (b) of Directive 2001/29 (the InfoSoc Directive), respectively.
This case raises a number of issues,
including whether a law (like the Belgian one) that allocates a portion of the
fair compensation for reproductions pursuant to Article 5(2)(a) and (b) of the
InfoSoc Directive directly to publishers is compatible with EU law.
Advocate General (AG) Cruz Villalon
issued his Opinion [not yet
available in English] last June, holding the view - among
other things and relying upon the earlier CJEU decision in Amazon - that such law would not be
compliant with the InfoSoc Directive. This would be because this piece of
EU legislation does not allow Member States to allocate a portion of the fair
compensation to the publishers if there is no obligation for the publishers to
ensure that they pass on this part, directly or indirectly, to the authors.
In its analysis the ECS endorsed the AG
Opinion on this point, and submitted that the CJEU should (re-)affirm the
author principle, ie initial
ownership of copyright for authors.
Who did you just call 'unsubstantiated'?! |
IFRRO, the International Federation of
Reproduction Rights Organisation, has just released a document which is critical of the ECS
Opinion. More specifically, IFRRO holds the view that:
"[T]he opinion expressed
by the European Copyright Society regarding the publishers’ share is
unsubstantiated. It conflicts with the international legal framework (including
the Berne Convention, and especially the
three-step-test laid down therein), and breaches longstanding legal and
contractual arrangements between authors and publishers. Moreover, it is
contrary to arrangements and traditions established and practised since the
first establishment of collective rights management in the TI sector – the
Reproduction Rights Organisations (RROs) – more than 40 years ago, regardless
of the system under which they operate. The fundamental basis of collective
rights management in the TI sector is that both authors and publishers are
entitled to receive a portion of the remuneration / compensation. This is also
consistent with the IFRRO Statutes, which require that RRO members represent
both authors and publishers, and that these grant both categories of
rightholders adequate representation on their governing bodies. In this vein,
numerous IFRRO submissions to the European Commission on draft legislation,
which led to the adoption of the EU Information Society Directive 2001/29 in
2001, uncontestedly, referred to ‘rightholder’ as a generic term for authors
and publishers, who should both be entitled to a part of the remuneration /
compensation when copies are made from an already published work."
Let's now wait and
see with whom the CJEU agrees!
The judgment is out, btw