In this Thanksgiving season, this Kat is grateful that the IPKat readers continue following the posts of The IPKat blog. But also other blogs have lots to offer: to show appreciation for the efforts of the IP bloggers’ community, this Kat searched and found some interesting posts.
On the Kluwer Copyright Blog, Jan Bernd Nordemann reported the AIPPI’s Resolution on the copyright in artificially generally generated works. The resolution concludes that there should be no copyright protection for AI works without human input, but related rights may be considered to reward the investment in the creation of such works.
Trade marks
Marques Class 46 blog reports that the European Union is joining the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications. With the addition of the EU as the 15th member, the Act can now enter into force.
On the SpicyIP blog, Pankhuri Agarwal reported on the Delhi High Court’s decision in Bayer Healthcare and Bristol Myers Squibb v. Natco, which held that an order in an interim injunction application must necessarily indicate that the court has considered the three elements of a well-settled test, i.e. prima facie case, balance of convenience and irreparable harm, before reaching a conclusion as regards the grant or non-grant of the injunction.
On PatentlyO, Dennis Crouch prepared a list of recent Federal Circuit’s decisions on the doctrine of equivalents. He also used one sentence to indicate the essential rule in each of the decisions.
Online Piracy
On the CREATe Blog, Amy Thomas reported on new empirical study on Global online piracy. Joost Poort’s study (together with João Pedro Quintais) provides a comprehensive overview of the state of online piracy, including piracy rates, motivations and its impact on consumption from legal sources.
Around the IP Blogs
Reviewed by Kan He
Friday, November 29, 2019

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