The book is described as “the first comprehensive and systematic account of the confusion test within the harmonised European trade mark system. It considers how the test is applied by national trade mark registries across EU member states, by the EUIPO, by national courts, and by the CJEU. It offers practical guidance, while also evaluating the viability of more recent developments such as initial-interest confusion, post-sale confusion and consumer responses to uses of trade marks on the internet.”
Dr Fhima is Reader in Intellectual Property Law and Co-director of the Institute of Brand and Innovation Law, Faculty of Laws, University College London. Professor Gangjee is Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.
Entrance is free of charge
For more about the book, including how to order a copy with a 20% launch discount, here.
Book launch: “The Confusion Test in European Trade Mark Law”
Reviewed by Neil Wilkof
Friday, November 08, 2019

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