IPEC no longer London-focused as IP small claims track reaches courts in Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff and beyond
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The GeordieKat gets a scratch from IPEC as the small claims track comes to town |
According to the announcement:
"From last month, claims in the small claims track (SCT) of the IPEC can be issued and heard across England and Wales in the Business and Property Courts (B&PCs) in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle, as well as in the Central London County Court in London.
The IPEC is a specialist list in the High Court and one of the courts in the Intellectual Property List in the B&PCs. It provides a streamlined and cheaper way of resolving lower value and less complex intellectual property claims for businesses and individuals. Its small claims track hears the most straightforward intellectual property cases, where less than £10,000 is claimed. Its focus is mainly on claims relating to copyright, designs, passing off and trademarks. The hearings in the small claims track are short and informal, the parties are frequently unrepresented and the loser seldom has to pay the winner’s costs.
While its procedure is based on the usual small claims track rules, IPEC small claims disputes concern not only damages but also non-pecuniary remedies, such as a final injunction or a declaration of non-infringement (though applications for an interim injunction cannot be heard in the IPEC small claims track).
Appeals from these cases will also be able to be issued and, as far as possible, heard in those courts.
Electronic filing
These IPEC small claims will be issued and documents filed online in the seven centres outside London. For those who have not used electronic filing before, further guidance can be found on GOV.UK including on how to register as a user, the payment of fees, security and data protection, as well as the five simple steps required to use the system, and where to go for further help.
The email address for enquiries about electronic filing is EfileSupport@justice.gov.uk.
The contact details for the courts are:
Electronic filing
These IPEC small claims will be issued and documents filed online in the seven centres outside London. For those who have not used electronic filing before, further guidance can be found on GOV.UK including on how to register as a user, the payment of fees, security and data protection, as well as the five simple steps required to use the system, and where to go for further help.
The email address for enquiries about electronic filing is EfileSupport@justice.gov.uk.
The contact details for the courts are:
Birmingham: Dot Byrne dot.byrne@Justice.gov.uk
Bristol: Jane Pawsey jane.pawsey@Justice.gov.uk
Cardiff: Tracey Davies tracey.davies2@Justice.gov.uk
Leeds: Olivia Jerome olivia.Jerome@justice.gov.uk
Liverpool: Helen Sandison helen.sandison@Justice.gov.uk
Manchester: Julie Bagnall julie.bagnall@Justice.gov.uk
Newcastle: Sadie Dawson sadie.dawson@Justice.gov.uk
The Guide to the IPEC Small Claims Track is currently being updated to reflect these changes."
Thank you to Mr Justice Birss and the Chancellor of the High Court Judicial Office for alerting the Kat to this welcomed development in improving access to cost efficient IP dispute resolution to the rest of England & Wales.
IPEC no longer London-focused as IP small claims track reaches courts in Newcastle, Manchester, Cardiff and beyond
Reviewed by Annsley Merelle Ward
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

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