Around the IP Blogs

The world is slowly returning to its old rapid pace, which means there is a lot happening in the IP world!  The IPKat has highlighted some of the latest IP news for you.


This Kat is excited for the new week!
Colombian congressmen together with a group of citizens have requested the President of the Republic to take the appropriate measures for allowing the use of medicines and technologies protected by intellectual property rights to address the challenges posed by the current pandemic. IPTango reported on this call for relaxation of IP rights during coronavirus pandemic.

The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) in the UK has called for clarity over the patenting of innovations created by artificial intelligence. CIPA published a position paper on the patenting of innovations created by artificial intelligence. Kluwer Patent Blog reported on the paper.

Trade marks

On 28 May, the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China was officially adopted, and it will come into force on January 1, 2021. Marques reported on this milestone in the history of civil legislation in China.

On 30 April 2020 the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) discussed the definition of “use in the course of trade”, especially as opposed to storing or importing in counterfeit trade. Kluwer Trademark Blog reported on this contentious issue in trademark enforcement.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly pervading our lives and Australian copyright law is inhibiting the development of AI. Kluwer Copyright Blog looks at the options that the Australian government has to protect AI.

Other: Contracts, COVID-19 testing

The UK government released “massive data-sharing contracts” that it has entered into with various tech companies, relating to COVID-19. The contracts are with Google, Faculty, Palantir and Microsoft, respectively. IP Draughts took a look at these contracts and considered what, if anything, they tell us about the processing of health data, and more generally what they tell us about government contracts.

Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic will require a massive expansion of testing. Given a limited number of health-care providers and testing sites, at-home testing has emerged as an important route to expand diagnostic testing capability. Written Description looked at how policymakers should encourage the development and deployment of such tests
Around the IP Blogs Around the IP Blogs Reviewed by Magdaleen Jooste on Sunday, June 14, 2020 Rating: 5

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