‘Standards & Patents’ 3-day event returns in digital format, again with a special IPKat readers’ discount

Standard Bengal Kat 
The IPKat has been informed that the popular ‘Standard & Patents’ event regularly organized and offered by Informa is also returning this year, though – for obvious reasons – in digital format.

This year’s ‘Standard & Patents’ will be a 3-day event taking place between 1 and 3 September 2020 and feature experts from companies such as the European Commission, Ericsson, Sky Italia, WIPO, and Philips.

The sessions will be delivered live (BST time) and remain available on-demand afterwards. The format will be that of live panels and presentations. Participants will also have the opportunity to book 1-to-1 networking meetings.

IPKat readers also enjoy a 15% discount in the registration fee if they use the VIP code FKW83257IPKE. For further information and to register, click here.
‘Standards & Patents’ 3-day event returns in digital format, again with a special IPKat readers’ discount ‘Standards & Patents’ 3-day event returns in digital format, again with a special IPKat readers’ discount Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Thursday, June 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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