Autumn is usually both a very busy time of the year and, as nature shows us, a season of change. So it seems highly appropriate to also use this period to keep busy with some IP events and learn about recent changes and developments.
Below is a series of online events which I am directly involved in and/or I have contributed to organize and might be of interest to IPKat readers.
Fashion Law London - Fashion Renaissance: A Unique Year in Review, with IPKat
readers' discount
The first event is organized by Fashion Law London, and is entitled 'Fashion Renaissance: A Unique Year in Review'.
Taking place on Thursday, 10 December 2020, this online event (via Zoom) provides an opportunity to both reflect on recent developments, issues, and opportunities and anticipate what lies ahead for the fashion industries at a time of significant disruption and change.
Topics of discussion include:
- Recent developments in the field of IP affecting fashion houses and designers;
- Recent trends in image contracts, licensing, and marketing in the fashion sector;
- Enforcement challenges and opportunities for fashion companies;
- Gaming and fashion, from both an IP and data protection perspective.
IPKat readers are entitled to a discounted ticket. Further information and registration can be found here.
The Institutet för Immaterialrätt och Marknadsrätt/Institute for Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University has just launched its new website and is organizing a series of online events later this month/in early December.
The registration fee for participants who are not students/member of staff at Stockholm University is SEK 300 (approx EUR 30)
They are:
- Global Mandatory Fair Use on 24 November 2020 - Speaker: Prof Lionel Bently (University of Cambridge)
- Trade Marks and Pop Culture on 25 November 2020 - Speaker: Dr Yann Basire (CEIPI - University of Strasbourg)
- Defences to Copyright Infringement on 27 November 2020 - Speaker: Prof Stavroula Karapapa (University of Essex)
- Selected Recent Case Law of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal: A View from the Inside - Speaker: Mr Gordon Humphreys (Chairpeson of the EUIPO First Board of Appeal)
Autumn fashion law and IP events
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

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