Since its creation in 2018, the Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review (SIPLR) has held an annual conference, inviting prominent speakers in the IP field to discuss current issues of import. This year, this Kat is delighted to be involved in its organisation as Co-Chief Editor of SIPLR, alongside Kats Frantzeska Papadopoulou and Eleonora Rosati, as well as my fellow Co-Chief Editor Alexandre Miura.
SIPLR will be holding this year's conference, titled 'IP in the Digital Environment', online on Thursday 3 December 2020, from 14:30-16:30 CET.
The keynote address will be delivered by Sir Richard Arnold, Lord Justice of Appeal in the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. The title of his talk will be 'Website-Blocking Injunctions and Streaming Server-Blocking Injunctions: The State of the Art'.
Topics to be covered will also include:
- 'Website-Blocking from the Swedish Perspective': Karin Cederlund (Sandart & Partners) and Stefan Johansson (Swedish Patent and Market Court); and
- 'Roasting the host: from the safe harbour to the direct liability of platforms in P cases': Eleonora Rosati (Stockholm University).

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