Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week


This Kat is excited to bring you all the highlights of last week from a rainy South Africa...

A great day to stay 
inside and catch up 
on some IP news...


In Denmark, the general opinion has long been that assignment from the author to a music publisher of "all rights to public performance" does not include so-called 'grand rights' unless explicitly stated. This position may now need to be reconsidered, following a recent decision by the Danish courts. Kat friend Hanne Kirk reported on the case.



Autumn is usually both a very busy time of the year and, as nature shows us, a season of change. So it seems highly appropriate to also use this period to keep busy with some IP events and learn about recent changes and developments. Eleonora Rosati informed us of a series of online events which she is directly involved in and/or have contributed to organize and might be of interest to IPKat readers.


Since its creation in 2018, the Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review (SIPLR) has held an annual conference, inviting prominent speakers in the IP field to discuss current issues of import. Riana Harvey provided all the details on the event here.


Africa is a continent with 54 countries. These 54 countries come with distinct and diverse legal systems and rules. As a consequence, understanding and following developments on law and practice in Africa can be an uphill task even for a field like IP law that ‘enjoys’ the benefit of various international treaties. Chijioke Okorie provided a book sneak peek into “Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Africa” by  Marius Schneider and Vanessa Ferguson.


Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week Reviewed by Magdaleen Jooste on Sunday, November 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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