The IPKat is pleased to see that the Intellectual Property Institute, together with the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association, is holding an afternoon seminar on the ruling in Oakley v Animal [2005] EWHC 210 (Ch). IPKat readers (see blog, 23 February 2005)) will instantly recall that this is the case in which Peter Prescott QC stunned the unsuspecting world by suggesting that the UK's Design Regulations 2001 were both unconstitutional and in breach of EU law since they were implemented later than the cut-off date for implementation mentioned in the Design Directive.
Peter Prescott QC gave a bracing decision -- but will it withstand appeal?
The seminar, hosted by Bird & Bird, will take place on Wednesday 30 June from 1.30pm to 5pm, followed by drinks and light refreshments. Speakers are Guy Tritton, Martin Chamberlain and Neville March-Hunnings, For further details email Anne Goldstein here.
Reviewed by Jeremy
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
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