The UK Patent Office has recently a new Practice Notice on its website: Tribunal Practice Notice (TPN 1/2005) on revocation (non-use) procedures under Section 46 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (as amended). This Practice Notice is concerned only with proceedings before the Office to revoke a trade mark on the grounds of non use. A number oposted f decisions, by the Courts and the Appointed Persons, have led the Trade Marks registry to make changes. This notice advises users and practitioners what these changes are, how they will operate as well as drawing attention to some points of interest which users and practitioners might wish to note.

The IPKat says this is a pretty helpful guide, well worth noting. Merpel says: "trade mark owners should remember that a trade mark is one of those assets that conforms to the old adage, 'use it or lose it'".

Use it or lose it here, here and here
USE IT OR LOSE IT USE IT OR LOSE IT Reviewed by Jeremy on Monday, May 09, 2005 Rating: 5

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