BBC has reported that Hello! magazine won its appeal against an order of Mr Justice Lindsay that it had to pay arch-rival OK! magazine £1m in damages for using illicit ictures of Catherine Zeta Jones' wedding. Hello! admitted it used those photos to spoil rival OK's supposedly exclusive coverage (for which the latter paid quite handsomely). The trial judge's ruling that Hello! had breached the film stars' rights of privacy was however upheld, leaving it to pay the publicity-conscious couple the paltry sum of £14,600.
OK! may lose its damages, but Ms Zeta Jones' appeal is undiminished
The IPKat cannot believe that this dispute, which has already spawned a host of courtroom hostilities, will stop before it gets to the House of Lords. Merpel says, "I wonder if Douglas and Zeta Jones will be selling first rights to photos on the courtroom steps".
Full Court of Appeal decision here
Some earlier litigation arising out of the same sneak photos here, here, here, here, here, here and here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, May 20, 2005
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