Once more the Sweet & Maxwell series European Commercial Cases continues to spring surprises by featuring English-language reports of intellectual property decisions from continental Europe -- even if some of those decisions have become somewhat elderly. The IPKat has just received Part 2 of the ECC for 2005, which includes

* Pharma Intranet Information AG v IMS Health GmbH (Frankfurt Court of Appeal, 2002), on copyright and competition issues arising out of the commercial exploitation of databases;

* Re Copyright in Road Construction Materials Handbooks (Bundesgerichtshof, Germany, 2002), on copyight in boringly functional government publications;

* Tenenbaum v Petraco Distribution Sarl (Cour de Cassation, Paris), a 2003 case which takes a look at graphical reproduction rights in musical works;

Renault: no stranger to the courts when it comes to IP enforcement

* Renault v Franco d'Amato (Cour de Cassation, Paris, 2002), a criminal law decision on fakes and free movement of goods.

Details of the European Commercial Cases here.
EEK! IT'S THE ECC EEK! IT'S THE ECC Reviewed by Jeremy on Thursday, May 05, 2005 Rating: 5

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