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*The People’s Daily reports that China is bringing into force Administrative Measures for Internet Copyright Protection on 30 May. The measures are being jointly issued by the National Copyright Administration and the Ministry of Information Industry.
*The Local reports that Sweden’s Justice Minister, Thomas Bodström, has called for the Swedish Government to proceed with caution in passing new DRM laws. He has said that consumers must be able to make copies of CDs that they have bought for private use, and what’s more, the IFPI have agreed with him. The Swedish Parliament is due to vote on passing new laws in this area on 25 May.
The IPKat is in favour of legislation that protects the legitimate rights of IP holders but that is subtle enough to not penalise those who have fair reasons for making use of the protected subject matter.
More hi-techery here, here and here
Reviewed by Anonymous
Friday, May 20, 2005
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