Another amazing British patent: inflatable policemen (above) are to be located
at ports of entry as a means of deterring the importation of counterfeit goods
at ports of entry as a means of deterring the importation of counterfeit goods
Following the passage of the Patents Act 2004, which is now partially in force, the UK Patent Office is inviting comments as part of its consultation programme for amending the Patents Rules 1995. The closing date for receipt of comments is 17 August 2005. The IPKat's really glad that other people pay close attention to these important details: he's much happier dealing with easier things like the big principles.
Another amazing British disaster: the first counterfeit inflatable
policeman (above) has just been sighted at Felixstowe
Consolidated version of the Patents Act 1977 here; Patents Act 2004 here; Patents Rules here
Reviewed by Jeremy
Monday, May 23, 2005
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