A Matter of Interpretation:
Libraries Land a ‘Victory’ in CJEU’s Judgment on E-Lending
Copyright Blog provides the full story leading up to and including the CJEU’s
preliminary ruling in Vereniging Openbare Bibliotheken v. Stichting Leenrecht
(10 November 2016, case C‑174/15), which found that digital lending should not be excluded from the Rental and
Lending Rights Directive’s scope in all cases.
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Your move Merpel |
Chess Tournament Hot News Misappropriation
Prelim Denied
Schimmerlegal reports that a preliminary
injunction was denied where the Plaintiff alleged that Defendant’s actions
constituted ‘hot news misappropriation’ under New York common law. The
circumstances of the case where such that the plaintiff organises and webcasts
live chess tournaments, the defendant provides a live feed of the games,
displayed on a virtual chess board.
Richard Prince May Offer the
SDNY Another Chance to Define Transformative Use of a Work
Prince and the Blum and Poe Gallery were sued again on November 16 for
copyright infringement of a photograph in the New Portraits exhibition in Eric
McNatt v. Richard Prince, 1:16-cv-08896, Southern District of New York (SDNY).
Photographer Eric McNatt alleges that Richard Prince reproduced a photograph
taken by Plaintiff of Kim Gordon, a founding member and bassist of Sonic Youth,
by downloading it from the web, where it had been published with a copyright
notice, and uploading it on his own Instagram account. 1709
Blog suggests this is an opportunity for the court to provide some clarity
on transformative use.
Nl – Synthon V. Astellas /
Supreme Court / Referral Cjeu
Court of Appeal Arnhem-Leeuwarden asked several preliminary questions to the
Supreme Court with regard to the applicable criteria for an exhibition claim
based on art. 843a Dutch Code of Civil Procedure (DCCP) in conjunction with
art. 1019a DCCP. The case is available in Dutch
and luckily EPLAW
Blog talks us through the response of the Supreme Court, which included the
decision to apply to the European Court of Justice in order to obtain answers
to two of the three questions.
Buying Time for Christmas: a
guide for UK Trademark Opponents and Applicants
about meeting those trade mark evidence deadlines over the festive period? SOLO
IP gives us some helpful tips on applying for an extension and other ways
to buy time!
Competition Law in the
Pharmaceutical Sector: Aspen Fined for Excessive Pricing in Italy
The Italian
Competition Authority (ICA) fined Aspen Pharmacare 5 million Euro for violation
of art. 102, letter a) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
when increasing its prices for some of its oncohematological drugs up to 1500%.
Aspen has communicated that it will appeal. Trustinip
reviews the decision together the previous case law, which gives rise to
uncertainties in relation to assessing reasonable costs.
Master-Puzzlers at the Ready
toy company Simba Toys GmbH & Co. KG appealed a judgement of the General
Court relating to EU trademark no. 162784, showing the three-dimensional
representation of a Rubik’s cube. The CJEU annulled the decision of the General
Court, indicating that the General Court had interpreted the criteria for
assessing Article 7(1)(e)(ii) of
Regulation No 40/94 (now replaced by Regulation 207/2009) too narrowly. As
such, Kluwer
Trade Mark Blog explains, the shape of product was considered necessary to obtain
a technical function and cannot be registered.
Around the IP blogs
Reviewed by Hayleigh Bosher
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

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