Ever-increasing availability and
the scope of cloud-based services pose various challenges for the open source
community. GNU
Affero General Public License (AGPL) has been created on the premise undergirding General Public License
version 3 (GPL),
specifically to address hosted services, where a user interacts with licensed
software via the network, but which does not amount to a “distribution”
triggering licence reciprocity. Under AGPL Section (13 Remote Network
Interaction), if a user runs modified software on a server and allows other
users to interact with it remotely through a network, the source code
corresponding to the modified version must be made available at no charge. So
where is the problem?
Big business defeats
The problem comes with
software-as-a-service. Large cloud or hosted services providers have found ways
to commercialise popular open source projects without giving anything back, thus
limiting software freedom intended by the licensors. The business model primarily
focuses on offering managed services, e.g. customisation, integration, service
levels and others, to a freely available open source component and charging a
fee for this. Open source projects do not usually have the scale to effectively
withstand such competition by providing similar offerings. To say the least, this
pattern incentivises the writing of the software in closed source code.
AGPL is not enough to capture such
a services scenario. Commercial entities rarely modify open source components
and, if they do, releasing corresponding source code to such modifications does
not affect their proprietary interests or revenue flow.
![]() |
Contemplating new business models |
MongoDB takes charge
Until 16 October 2018, MongoDB’s mongod
and mongos database programs were available under AGPL. MongoDB explains:
“MongoDB has become one of the
most popular databases in the industry. As a result, we have observed
organizations, especially the international cloud vendors, begin to test the
boundaries of the AGPL license. […] The community needs a new open source
license that builds on the spirit of the AGPL, but makes explicit the
conditions for providing the software as a service. We are issuing a new
license to eliminate any confusion about the specific conditions of offering a
publicly available MongoDB as a service.”
The new
licence – Server
Side Public License (SSPL),- is based on a GPL and applies to
all versions released after 16 October 2018, including patch fixes for prior
versions. MongoDB has also sought Open Source Initiative’s (OSI) approval to SSPL. Section
13 (Offering the Program as a Service) is the only provision that is
substantially different from the origin licence. It closes the loop-hole by
imposing a requirement to release Service Source Code when offering publicly
available MongoDB as a service.
Service Source
Code is defined to include any management software, user interfaces,
application program interfaces, automation software, monitoring software,
backup software, storage software and hosting software, all such that a user can
run an instance of the service using the source code made available. Notably, the
copyleft condition of Section 13 does not apply for other software-as-a-service
applications that use MongoDB as a database and not as a service.
Impact is twofold
It will be interesting to see whether
OSI grants its approval to SSPL. On its face, the licence seems to conform with
the Open Source Definition
and principles of software freedom: users are free to use, modify, and distribute
the software. The only hiccup could arise from Section 13, should it be
interpreted as an additional restriction on the “Freedom 0” principle, which mandates
allowing the running of the software freely for any purpose.
The new licence is free to anyone
to adopt, but its popularity seems to be facing an obstacle right at the
outset. Red Hat announced
it would no longer include MongoDB in version 8 of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
because of SSPL. Debian project followed
“[T]he SSPL is clearly not in the spirit of
the DFSG, yet alone complimentary to the Debian's goals of promoting software
or user freedom. In light of this, the Project does not consider that software
licensed under the SSPL to be suitable for inclusion in the Debian archive.”
AWS chose to detour from the SSPL by launching
its own DocumentDB, a managed
document database service, which is compatible with MongoDB.
Cloud era is both promising and
challenging for open source. It is difficult to predict whether SSPL will bring
evolution and freedom or lead to less usage of the covered code or project
Closing AGPL cloud services loop-hole: a MongoDB approach
Reviewed by Ieva Giedrimaite
Monday, February 11, 2019

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