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... or, in alternative, to introduce an EU-wide neighbouring right for publishers |
the past few years debate has ensued at the level of EU Member States and the
EU alike on how to address declining revenues in the press publishing sector. Although
this is not a new phenomenon (in some European countries newspaper
circulation has been in decline since the 1950s, in parallel with the advent of
television), since 2000 newspaper advertising sales in Europe have fallen across the board. This data is in line with what has also occurred in the US where, according to
the Pew Research Center, from 2013 to 2014 newspapers’ annual overall revenues
have fallen from approximately $46m to approximately $20m.
have indicated the internet, notably news aggregation services (ie aggregators
of syndicated web content in one location, an example being Google News), as
primarily responsible for this phenomenon. According to two studies by the Iowa University and ETH and Boston University respectively, not only are
news aggregators unlikely to have complementary effects on the number of visits
received by newspapers' homepages, but rather appear to have a substitution
effect, which is said to have contributed to declining online traffic.
solutions to tackle this phenomenon have been discussed in a number of EU
Member States. These have resulted in either the conclusion of agreements
between Google and local press publishers (Belgium, France, Italy) or the
adoption of legislative initiatives in relation to news content (Germany,
Spain). Currently also the EU Commission is considering whether a neighbouring
right for publishers (come to be known as ‘ancillary copyright’) – whether in
the press sector alone or also other sectors – should be proposed for adoption
at the EU level.
Readers may be interested in this new article of mine, forthcoming in the International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, in which I discuss:
- the compatibility with EU law of national legislative initiatives (Germany and Spain) that have resulted in the creation of sui generis rights for press publishers, and
- whether a neighbouring right for publishers may be adopted at the EU level and, if so, what changes of the copyright acquis are required to this end.
Following an
overview of recent national developments and legislative initiatives in the
press sector and current discussion at the EU level, the analysis consists of
two parts.
The first part will focus on the compatibility of national rights for press publishers with the current acquis in the area of copyright – notably the InfoSoc Directive and the Rental and Lending Rights Directive. By considering relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), it will recall that the InfoSoc Directive intended to achieve a broad harmonisation of national copyright laws.
In Svensson the CJEU clarified that, by adopting the InfoSoc Directive, the EU legislature deprived Member States of the freedom to broaden the scope of relevant economic rights. In Reprobel the CJEU held that the term ‘rightholders’ in the InfoSoc Directive does not include ‘publishers’. From a combined reading of Svensson and Reprobel, it follows that publishers cannot be granted any rights under the InfoSoc Directive. This is not only true in the copyright area, but also in relation to neighbouring rights. While C More suggests that Member States can broaden the scope of the neighbouring rights harmonised in the Rental and Lending Rights Directive (including in relation to communication to the public), this decision does not also suggest that Member States are free to add new categories of rightholders in addition to those indicated in that directive.
The first part will focus on the compatibility of national rights for press publishers with the current acquis in the area of copyright – notably the InfoSoc Directive and the Rental and Lending Rights Directive. By considering relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), it will recall that the InfoSoc Directive intended to achieve a broad harmonisation of national copyright laws.
In Svensson the CJEU clarified that, by adopting the InfoSoc Directive, the EU legislature deprived Member States of the freedom to broaden the scope of relevant economic rights. In Reprobel the CJEU held that the term ‘rightholders’ in the InfoSoc Directive does not include ‘publishers’. From a combined reading of Svensson and Reprobel, it follows that publishers cannot be granted any rights under the InfoSoc Directive. This is not only true in the copyright area, but also in relation to neighbouring rights. While C More suggests that Member States can broaden the scope of the neighbouring rights harmonised in the Rental and Lending Rights Directive (including in relation to communication to the public), this decision does not also suggest that Member States are free to add new categories of rightholders in addition to those indicated in that directive.
The second part considers the possibility of adopting a neighbouring right for publishers
at the EU level. In particular it suggests that to this end the wording of both
the InfoSoc Directive and Rental and Lending Rights Directive should be
amended. In relation to the InfoSoc Directive, this part also considers Article
5(3)(d) of the InfoSoc Directive in light of Article 10(1) of the Berne
Convention and the apparent mandatory nature of the exception or limitation for
quotation. It considers the CJEU decision in Painer, and concludes that, even assuming that the InfoSoc
Directive is incompatible with the Berne Convention in respect of Article 10(1)
thereof, the exception or limitation for quotation would not cover the
reproduction (and possible subsequent communication/making available to the
public and distribution) of extracts of third-party works or other
subject-matter protected by neighbouring rights where such reproduction is not
also accompanied by commentary or criticism.
contribution concludes that, while national initiatives that have resulted in
the adoption of sui generis rights
for press publishers are likely incompatible with EU law, a similar initiative
at the EU level might be feasible and achieved by amending the InfoSoc
Directive and the Rental and Lending Rights Directive.
You can access my article on SSRN here.
And here are the PowerPoint slides I made for a talk on the topic of my article.
Neighbouring rights for publishers: are national and (possible) EU initiatives lawful?
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

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