* Gadi Oron (legal adviser, IFPI), giving a crisp, simple account of the ECJ's ruling in the Spanish reference in SGAE v Rafael Hoteles as to whether the provision of TV programmes to hotel rooms constituted an act of communication to the public for which royalties might be legitimately sought;Contents of the current issue of Copyright World here* "A Whiter Shade of Pale" by Best & Soames' Hubert Best, a commentary on the recent UK copyright litigation over authorship of the 1960s Procol Harum classic;
* "Brave New World", by Jeremy Miles and Dan Caunt (Field Fisher Waterhouse) on the potential legal liability of distributors of user-generated content (a coded term for YouTube and its emulators).

The IPKat wishes Nigel well in his new position.
Latest Copyright World; The guru returns
Reviewed by Jeremy
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

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