Only two cases feature in the February 2007 issue of
LexisNexis Butterworths' Intellectual Property and Technology Cases - but they're both incredibly popular ones. There's
Baigent v Random House Group Ltd, a.k.a. the Da Vinci Files case, and there's also the Court of Appeal's much pronounced-upon pronouncement in
Aerotel Ltd v Telco Holdings Ltd/re Macrossan's application.
IPKat posts on
Da Vinci here and
hereIPKat posts on
Macrossan and its impact
here and
If you have harboured any delusions that European Union consumer policy might in any way be connected with intellectual property law, let the IPKat put you straight. Here is the
full text of a speech by EU Commissioner for Consumer Policy
Meglena Kuneva. This speech, rather curiously entitled "Does the European Union's ability to act erode?", was delivered at a meeting of the Strategy Group on the Future of Europe held in Berlin on 26 February 2007. Alas, it contains no references to IP at all. Says the IPKat, given the prominent position of IP law at the very point where consumers acquire and consume goods and services, this is a little disappointing. Merpel adds, perhaps it looks like poaching if one Commissioner talks about topics that belong to the other ones ...
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