* James Walsh and Lisa Huett (Mallesons, Melbourne) question the legality of deals made by original pharma companies to buy off the generics with cash in return for non-production;
* Emma Barraclough's special focus on India, which shows that there is more to the place than Ranbaxy and call centres;
* A revealing interview with Zhang Qin, from the State Intellectual Property Office (China), which tells us that not everyone in China is an enthusiastic pirate and that the vast country's poor image causes embarrassment and frustration to those who seek to put its IP rights regime on an effective footing. Contents of the most recent issue here

Pick of the pack in this issue is Hannes Rosler's revisiting of the rationale for trade mark protection, reminding us of the complex web of conflicting interests and functions that bind the system together as much as they drive its advocates apart.
Not many people, the IPKat expects, will be devouring their copy of the Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Institute for the year ended 31 March 2006. This worthy charity is in need of greater support from the British IP community. The Institute's income during that year was just over £192,000 - hardly any more than the cost of Prime Minister Tony Blair's salary. You can read the Annual Reports for 2003, 2004 and 2005 here. Membership details here.
Something to read ...
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, March 09, 2007

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