Right: something the Commissioner will NOT be doing next week
The European Commission is now expected to publish its proposals by 4 April at the latest. Said McCreevy:
"When I took over as commissioner, I promised to make one attempt at the Community patent. That time has now come".Disappointing the IPKat, who loves party tricks, the Commissioner contained:
"I will not be pulling a rabbit out of a hat next week, but I will be putting forward some constructive suggestions on the way forward".

Left: Apart from European patent unification, Commissioner McCreecy has other pet projects
The IPKat says, let's wait and see if something workable is proposed before we howl it down. Merpel says, I may be imagining things but I have this feline feeling that the ECJ doesn't really have a great deal of experience dealing with patent law. Why not appeal to a panel of London black taxi-drivers? They know the answers to everything.
Some rabbit patents: inflatable Easter Bunny; Bunny baking pan; device for teaching children to make bunny ears when learning to tie shoe-laces; kit for supplying food to the Easter bunny
4 April update: The Commission have now issued a press release, setting out their "vision for improving [the] patent system in Europe". No rabbits, unfortunately.
No rabbits, promises McCreevy
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, March 30, 2007

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