Update: The official announcement on the eEQE from the Supervisory Board can be read here.

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as it is published on the EPO website
ReplyDeleteEQE 2021 –Important information from the Supervisory Board
The European qualifying examination (EQE) 2021 is planned tobe conducted online.
A working group composed of EPO and epi representatives has been set up to work out the arrangements fornext year's EQE. Their aim is to ensure that the examination can be conducted in an orderly manner in a safe environment and to guarantee fair conditions for all candidates. The Supervisory Board is in close contact with the working group and oversees all itstasks.
Further details will be announced at a later date, including an optionfor candidates to test the system in good time before the examination.
The EQE syllabus and the structure of the various examination papers will be as outlined in the REE and IPREEand in line with previous years' examination papers (Compendium).
For the time being, individual questions on the online examination will not be responded to directly. However, they will be collected and used as a basis for FAQs to be published at a later stage.
which can be found under
but also in German and French, since we still have three official languages
An e-EQE will not be hindered when looking at T 2087/15 just published.