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This Kat likes the flowers (and maybe even the bumblebees) |
The big copyright news last week came in the form of Advocate General Øe's Opinion in Joined Cases C-682/18 and C-683/18, advising the CJEU to rule that platforms are not liable for the making available of infringing user-uploaded content under EU law prior to the DSM Directive. PermaKat Eleonora Rosati reported on it, and announced a webinar on the topic. [Note: the webinar recording is now available here]
Fellow PermaKat Neil Wilkof traced the development of broadside ballads into proto-newspapers, in the form of a public performance of combined literary and artistic works.
Following up on her recent webinar with 4IP and the EU IP Helpdesk titled “What you need to know about copyright and social media”, Hayleigh Bosher answered a number of viewers' questions which she hadn't had time to address.
Trade Marks
GuestKat Alex Woolgar gave an overview of the latest twist in the SkyKick tale, with a recent judgment (#4 in the saga) dealing with the consequences of #3's finding that SkyKick had infringed some of Sky's trade mark registrations.
Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo, in her TechieKat capacity [Katpacity?] reported on the International Trademark Association (INTA)'s first online conference, Brands in Society: Their Influence and Responsibility, held on 22 and 23 June 2020.
Emeritus Katonomist Dr Nicola Searle was sceptical about the claims made by the Research Handbook on the Economics of Intellectual Property Law; while she described it as an engaging work on a certain subset of legal studies, it disappointed on the economics front.
Never Too Late 273 [Week ending July 12] CJEU follows AG and rules that notion of 'address' does not extend to email and IP addresses and telephone numbers | The development of Canadian literature and the Anglo-US copyright wars of the 19th century | [Guest post] EU Commission opens antitrust investigation into Apple’s App Store rules | [Guest post] Return of the Orange Book? German Federal Supreme Court revisits FRAND in Sisvel v. Haier | Indivisibility and visibility in invalidity proceedings of a Community design | [Guest post] The Virtual Fashion Law Update - Event Report | IBIL Event Report: The hybrid future of IP practice amidst COVID-19
Never Too Late 272 [Week ending July 5] The Patent Examination Board (PEB) releases further information on the 2020 UK patent exams | How to deal with abusive patent enforcement within the EU enforcement framework | Breaking: US Supreme Court holds that "generic.com" marks are not necessarily generic - USPTO v. Booking.com | "Nosecco" appeal goes flat in the High Court | The CJEU Brompton Bicycle case: a UK view | When does a communication to the public under EU copyright law need to be to a ‘new public’? A new research article | The National Copyright Administration of China: no more ‘black hole drama’ in the image market | Book Review: 3D Trademarks and other Non-Traditional Trademarks | Amsterdam Court of Appeal issues dynamic blocking injunction in long-running dispute between BREIN and ISPs | IP Federation celebrates 100th birthday by fighting COVID-19 and improving social mobility | European Pharma Law Academy returning (online) with special IPKat readers’ discount | Swedish Patent and Market Court upholds Sweden’s first dynamic blocking injunction | [Guest Post] Privacy and Data Protection in Chinese Civil Code: First Clarification of Personal Data Protection from the Perspective of Civil Law in China
Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat last week
Reviewed by Sophie Corke
Saturday, July 25, 2020

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