The start of 2019 is continuing to be a busy year for IP events! Anyone looking to learn something new or brush up on what they already know can look at the below Events including talks, a Summer School and a Legal Challenge.
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, are hosting the fourteenth annual Intellectual Property Lecture delivered by Professor Ansgar Ohly on 12 March 2019 at 17:30. The topic is “Hybrids between Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition Law” Further details can be found here. For an invitation, please contact CIPIL Administrator at
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This Kat is carefully guarding its phone |
OxFirst is also hosting a talk on “Where have all the I-Phones Gone? A brief debate on Munich District Court, December 2018 decision in Qualcomm vs Apple. Where do we stand on Injunctions in Germany?” on 28 January 2019. This is available as a webinar and runs from 15:00 to 16:00 GMT. Registration is available here.
Professor Graham Dutfield is presenting a seminar on "Traditional Knowledge and Genetic Resources: Observing Legal Protection through the Lens of Historical Geograph and Human Rights". The seminar is on 7 February 2019 from 18:00 to 20:00. Graham Dutfield is Professor of International Governance at the School of Law, University of Leeds. The event is free and the abstract and registration information can be found here.
UCL IBIL is putting on a two-day CPD course on Privacy and Data: Law and Practice on the 11 and 12 February 2019. The course is at UCL Laws, Bentham House and is for lawyers and company executives working with IP, the media, public figures, in privacy, confidential information and managing third parties’ personal data. Registration is open here.
UCL IBIL is putting on a two-day CPD course on Privacy and Data: Law and Practice on the 11 and 12 February 2019. The course is at UCL Laws, Bentham House and is for lawyers and company executives working with IP, the media, public figures, in privacy, confidential information and managing third parties’ personal data. Registration is open here.
Brunel University London, Co-Innovate and Brunel Law School are organising a masterclass on “Maximising Innovation with Intellectual Property and Free IP Audit” on 12 February 2019. The day starts with registration at 9:30 followed by a number of talks from experts in the field. Again, Kat Hayleigh Bosher is giving one of the talks on n over view of the different types of intellectual property, highlighting the importance of building a holistic IP strategy for your business relating to innovation and enforcement. After the masterclass, the Brunel Law Pro Bono Centre, the IP experts and Law students will assess tour current and potential IP and undertake an IP audit. More information is available here.
OxFirst’s Third IP and Competition Forum is running 14 and 15 February 2019. The CPD Accredited event is to discuss “Creating The Missing Link In the Digital Economy”. Topic include FRAND definitions, IP Valuation and Patent Defence Strategies in the Era of the Internet of Things. More information and registration is available here.
The University of Southampton is hosting an afternoon In Conversation with Bill Patry at 16:00 to 17:00 on 25 March 2019 at their Highfield Campus. From the event page “[Bill Patry] has written a lot about copyright law, way too much in fact, and he is embarrassed by both of the trade books he wrote and wishes he had a droit de rétractation.” More information can be found here. The session is organised by the IPKat’s own Dr. Elenora Rosati and if you are interested in attending please email
If you fancy a trip to New York while discussing IP at the same time the INTA March conference ticks both boxes. The event takes place over 28 and 29 March 2019 and is focused on “The Business of Brands” Registration is open here with early bird discounts expiring today.
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, Cardozo Law School, and the United States Patent & Trademark Office are co-hosting the sixth annual Roundtable on. Empirical Methods in Intellectual Property on 12 and 13 April 2019. The event is at the USPTO Headquarters in Alexandria, VA. The roundtable is intended to give scholars engaging in empirical and experimental studies of IP a chance to receive feedback on their work at an early stage in their research. Applications from scholars in the field are due by 12 February 2019 with final descriptions due 22 March 2019. More information is available here and interested applicants should contact
A slightly late notification of the Legal Challenge for the Games Industry Law Summit. The case files were published on 8 January 2019 and the deadline for teams to submit clarification questions is coming up on 21 January 2019. If you haven’t started yet there is potentially a fun weekend ahead! The team registration deadline is 15 February 2019 and the finals take place in Vilnius, Lithuania on 1 May 2019. Details of the case and the opportunity to register can be found here.
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Vilnius, Lithuania - snow not guarunteed (Photo: Nico Trinkhaus, 'Vilnius, Lithuania', available here) |
Brunel University is running a Comparative Competition Law Summer School from the 17 to 29 June 2019. The IP aspects of the course taught by Kat Hayleigh Bosher and the Summer School offers a comprehensive immersion into international competition law starting with EU and UK competition law. Registration is available here and is open until 30 April 2019.
SciencesPo is organising the third Young IP Researchers workshop in collaboration with Leuven University and the Munich Max Planck Institute, where IP PhD students can submit their research and papers to IP professors and experts for review and discussion. It will be held in Paris on the 20 and 21 June 2019 during the Intensive Doctoral week organised by SciencesPo Law School (a week full of seminars, methodological sessions, networking and fun).
Friday Fantasies
Reviewed by Jonathan Pratt
Friday, January 18, 2019

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