Notedly, GPLv2 was drafted by
non-legal free (as in “free speech,” not
as in “free beer”) software enthusiasts and yet it has
necessitated legal interpretation and application in accordance with IP and contract law principles. For nearly
two decades, compliance and enforceability of the licence by its users has had
to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty with respect to its terms.
From uncertainty to death
Various attempts to achieve
uniform interpretation of GPLv2 provisions, such as the introduction of amendments/exceptions,
and reliance on individual enforcement statements or through litigation, have proved
to be ineffective or have introduced more questions than answers, hence the
licence text remains subject to varying (and not infrequently conflicting) interpretations.
Accordingly, licence compliance has remained challenging and once you are in default,
you are potentially facing severe consequences without any option for relief.
Section 7, the so-called "Liberty
or Death" clause, has caused perhaps the most concern. This provision
entitles licensees to distribute a GPL-covered work only when all licence obligations
are satisfied. If other legal obligations are pertinent yet are in conflict,
the licence may not be severed; rather, it is automatically terminated. This
effectively means that a single act of (even) inadvertent non-compliance could
give rise to an infringement claim, with no obligation for the copyright holder
to provide notice prior to taking legal action and even more so with no
opportunity for the licensee to remedy the deficiency.
Has the cure been found?
One of the features that was
introduced more than a decade ago in GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
is a “cure” period to correct licence non-compliance before it is terminated. The
cure approach has been widely supported across the open source community. A
couple of years back the Free Software Foundation and Software Freedom
Conservancy, which lead worldwide efforts to ensure compliance with the GPL
licences, incorporated it into The Principles in
Community-Oriented GPL Enforcement. In October 2017, Linux kernel
developers announced their enforcement
statement, which encompassed the same concept. Moreover, hundreds of individual developers
signed the commitment to allow for a remediation period.
![]() |
In cooperation we trust |
However, numerous projects that continued
to use GPLv2 would have been deprived of the GPLv3 approach for correcting
compliance errors. It often amounts
to a mammoth task to upgrade a licence for the entire project due to licence
compatibility issues and divergent preferences of the stakeholders. Against this background, in November 2017, Red Hat,
Facebook and IBM announced their commitment to extend GPLv3 cure provisions to
GPLv2. The GPL Cooperation Commitment
is a statement by GPLv2 copyright holders that gives licensees an opportunity
to cure violations before their licences are terminated.
Specifically, before filing a claim
arising from termination of a licence, a copyright holder grants a 30-day
remediation period coupled with licence reinstatement to a person or entity
accused of violating the licence. If all the violations are ceased, the licence
is reinstated (a) provisionally unless and until explicitly terminated afterwards
and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder fails to notify of the
violation prior to 60 days after the cessation. Moreover, a licence is
reinstated permanently if: (i) the copyright holder notifies the user of the
violation, (ii) it is the first time such user has received notice of violation
of this licence (for any work) from that copyright holder, and (iii) if such
user cures the violation within 30 days after the receipt of the notice. Red
Hat, which initiated and led the initiative, took its commitment a step forward
by making it irrevocable, binding and enforceable.
Since 2017, when the GPL
Cooperation Commitment was first
rolled out, over 40
companies, including big names from different industries around
the world, such as Toyota, AT&T, Microsoft, SAP, SAS, VMware, Alibaba and
others, have declared their accession to the commitment to provide a fair
chance of remediation.
Why it matters
From a technical perspective, the
commitment modifies the termination language that is present in GPLv2 and GNU
Lesser General Public License. A natural question that comes to mind is whether
GPL Cooperation Commitment may contradict GPLv2 itself, which does not allow
changes to its provisions or any further restrictions imposed on the user’s
rights. The commitment supporters assert that it
should be treated as a substantive GPLv2 exception, like the Classpath Exception,
or what GPLv3 calls an “additional permission” and not as a further restriction.
Furthermore, GPL Cooperation Commitment does not enjoy a retroactive effect and
applies only to software contributions made after the project joined the
The principle rationale of the GPL
Cooperation Commitment is to provide clarity and predictability in how GPLv2 is
enforced. It holds a promise of eliminating the major concern of GPLv2
licensees, namely that minor, negligent and curable licence violations may
result in a ban of distribution or production interruptions.
More importantly, the GPL
Cooperation Commitment takes licence governance back to the community realm, where
a solution is found by collaboration and consensus, which generally aligns best
with open source community approach. Whether this approach will be adopted
again in future efforts to adapt licence to various changes of technology, such
as packaging and delivery of software, remains an open question for now.
GPL Cooperation Commitment: Promise of Collaborative Interpretation
Reviewed by Ieva Giedrimaite
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

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